Endorsements for Kevin McCarty for Sacramento Mayor

Public Officials
Dr. Ami Bera
U.S. Congressman
Doris Matsui
U.S. Congressman
Cruz Bustamante
California Lt. Governor (ret.)
Dave Jones
California Insurance Commissioner (ret.)
Robert Rivas
California State Assembly Speaker
Anthony Rendon
California State Assembly Speaker Emeritus
Sabrina Cervantes
California State Assemblymember
Chair, Latino Legislative Caucus
Jesse Gabriel
California State Assemblymember
Chair, Legislative Jewish Caucus
Evan Low
California State Assemblymember
Chair, Legislative Asian Pacific Islander Caucus
Stephanie Ngyuen
California State Assemblymember
Lori Wilson
California State Assemblymember
Chair, Legislative Black Caucus
Maggy Krell
Democratic nominee for Assembly District 6
Deborah Ortiz
California State Senator (ret.)
Los Rios Community College District Trustee
Lorena Gonzalez
California State Assemblymember (ret.)
Dennis Mangers
California State Assemblymember (ret.)
Thien Ho
Sacramento County District Attorney
Rich Desmond
Sacramento County Supervisor
Patrick Kennedy
Sacramento County Supervisor
Ted Sheedy
Sacramento County Supervisor (ret.)
Jimmie Yee
Sacramento County Supervisor (ret.)
Darrell Steinberg
Sacramento Mayor
Caity Maple
Sacramento Vice Mayor
Karina Talamantes
Sacramento Mayor Pro Tem
Phil Pluckebaum
Sacramento City Councilmember Elect
Larry Carr
Sacramento City Councilmember (ret.)
Darrell Fong
Sacramento City Councilmember (ret.)
Steve Hansen
Sacramento City Councilmember (ret.)
Sandy Sheedy
Sacramento City Councilmember (ret.)
Ray Tretheway
Sacramento City Councilmember (ret.)
Joe Yee
Sacramento City Councilmember (ret.)
Rod Brewer
Elk Grove City Councilmember
Dustin Johnson
Los Rios Community College District Trustee
Bruce Pomer
Los Rios Community College District Trustee (ret.)
Jamee Villa
Sacramento City Unified School District Trustee
Leticia Garcia
Sacramento City Unified School District Trustee (ret.)
Roy Grimes
Sacramento City Unified School District Trustee (ret.)
Alfred Brown, Sr.
Sacramento County Board of Education Trustee
Mariana Corona Sabeniano
Sacramento County Board of Education Trustee
Harold Fong
Sacramento County Board of Education Trustee
Sylvia J. Ruiz
Sacramento County Board of Education Trustee (ret.)
Chris Woods
Sacramento County Board of Education Trustee (ret.)
Basim Elkarra
Twin Rivers Unified School District Trustee
Walter Kawamoto
Twin Rivers Unified School District Trustee (ret.)
Chris Clark
Folsom Cordova Unified School District Trustee
Deborah Zavala
Woodland Unified School District Trustee
Rene Aguilera
Roseville Unified School District Trustee
Rob Kerth
SMUD Board Director
Brandon Rose
SMUD Board Director
Dave Tamayo
SMUD Board Director
Genevieve Shiroma
SMUD Board Director (ret.)
Steve Johns
American River Flood Control District Board Member
Tamika L’Ecluse
American River Flood Control District Board Member
Cyril Shah
American River Flood Control District Board Member
Doug McCauley
California Real Estate Commissioner (ret.)
Community Leaders
Abbie Blackman
South Land Park Neighbor
Board Member, National Council of Jewish Women, Sacramento *
Abram Diaz
Member, City of Sacramento Measure U Committee *
Adam Attia
Small Business Owner
Fitness Rangers
Alex Eng
API Community Advocate
Alex Harold
East Sacramento Neighbor
Member, American River Parkway Advisory Committee *
Alex Traverso
East Sacramento Neighbor
PTA Leader
Alyssa Lozano
Natomas Neighbor
President, Natomas Chamber of Commerce *
Director, Natomas Park HOA *
Amanda Wilcox
Gun Violence Prevention Advocate
Anna Molander
Past Chair, Sacramento Democratic Party *
Anne Juzek Pomer
Sierra Oaks Neighborhood Leader
April Javist
Executive Director, Sacramento Literacy Foundation
Ardie Zahedani
Sacramento Business Leader
Ashley Johnson
Midtown Neighbor
Barbara Falcon
Deerfield/Mesa Grande Neighborhood Leader
Barbara Stanton
Community Advocate
Bay Miry
East Sacramento Neighbor
Sacramento Business Leader
Becky Chavez
Hollywood Park Neighbor
Community Advocate
Ben Meyer
East Sacramento Neighbor
Small Businessman
Bernadette Chiang
Pocket Neighbor
API Community Advocate
Former Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commissioner *
Billy Zoellin
Small Business Owner
Bacon and Butter
Brandon Seto
South Land Park Neighborhood Leader
Brenda Ruiz
Food Policy Advocate
Brenda Waters
River Park Neighborhood Advocate
Brian Ebbert
South Land Park Neighborhood Advocate
Bruce Pomer
Sierra Oaks Neighbor
Past President, Jewish Federation of Sacramento *
Candy Pulliam
Elmhurst Neighbor
Carl Pinkston
African American Community Advocate
Carrie Detwiler
East Sacramento Neighbor
Carlos Contreras
East Sacramento Neighbor
Chantel Hernandez
Natomas Neighbor
Chris Bagatelos
Sacramento Business Leader
Christian Griffith
Land Park Neighbor
Christian Lozano
Natomas Neighbor
Christian Manzano
Tahoe Park Neighbor
Small Business Owner
Corey Brown
Midtown Neighbor
American River Parkway Advocate
Cory Jasperson
South Natomas Neighbor
Creston Whiting-Casey
South Sacramento Jr. Giants Baseball Coach
Cruz Naranjo
Latino, Labor Community Activist
Dain Domich
Sacramento Business Leader
Dr. Damon West
Small Business Owner
Member, East Sacramento Chamber of Commerce *
Dan Morash
Small Business Owner
Dan Montoya
South Natomas Neighbor
Dave Sikich
Sacramento Business Leader
President, Atlas
Member, Power Inn Alliance *
David Bugatto
Sacramento Business Leader
David Rea
Gardenland-Northgate Neighbor
Diana Michel
Pocket Neighbor
Debbie Rajkumar
Small Business Owner
Cafe Connection
Desiree Rojas
Latino/Labor Community Advocate
Doc Smith
Founder/President, Highlands Community Charter and Technical School *
Dolores Huerta
Co-founder, United Farm Workers & Founder, Dolores Huerta Foundation
Dwayne Crenshaw, J.D.
President/CEO, Sacramento Urban League *
Ed Berends
Elmhurst Neighbor
Edgar Zazueta
Pocket Neighbor
Club President, Sacramento Soccer Alliance *
Emil Wadhwani
Midtown Neighbor
Dr. Eric Gravenberg
President/CEO, Hawk Institute
Erik Larsen
President, East Sacramento Youth Soccer Club*
Fahizah Alim
Pocket Neighbor
Community Advocate
Gabe and Sarah Tierney
Elmhurst Neighbors
Garrett Jensen
Member, Sacramento County Bike Advisory Committee *
Gary Simon
Founder/President, Sacramento Juneteenth *
George Marley
Junior Giants Baseball Coach
George Raya
Midtown Neighbor
Community Advocate
George Wiley
South Land Park Neighbor
Gilbert Martinez
River Oaks Neighbor
Glen Korengold
Elmhurst Neighborhood Advocate
Gordon Olson
Past President, Elmhurst Neighborhood Association *
Heather Scott
Past President, Newton Booth Neighborhood Association *
Howard Lawrence
Past President, Sacramento Area Congregations Together (ACT) *
Isaac Gonzalez
President, Tahoe Park Neighborhood Association *
Jake Meehan
Labor/Job Development Leader
Jeff Knorr
Sacramento Poet Laureate Emeritus *
Jim Sullivan
Sacramento Business Leader
Jim Waters
River Park Neighborhood Advocate
Jinky Dolar
API Community Advocate
Joan Bryant
Retired Labor Leader
Joe and Pam Schleeter
South Natomas Neighbors
John Howe
East Sacramento Neighbor
Josie Patria
API Community Advocate
Past President, Sacramento Filipino Women’s Club *
Julius Cherry, Esq.
Sacramento Fire Chief (Retired)
Karla Mendoza
President, River Park Neighborhood Association *
Katie Hardeman
East Sacramento Neighbor
Professional Soccer Player
Kelly Hopkins
Camp Pollock Environmental Advocate
Ken Fahn
Fahn Properties
Sacramento Business Leader
Ken Lazzarini
Elmhurst Neighbor
Sacramento Veterans Advocate
Kevin Hansen
Northgate Neighbor
Kristi Morioka
Pocket Neighbor
API Community Leader
PTA Leader
Krystal Moreno
Midtown Neighbor
Community Advocate
Leilani Aguinaldo
Pocket Neighbor
Lindsey King
Sacramento Parks Commissioner
Lisa Culp
Founder/CEO, Women’s Empowerment *
Lisa Schmidt
East Sacramento Neighborhood Advocate
Lisandro “Chando” Madrigal
Small Businessman
Owner, Chando’s Tacos
Lourdes Ayon
Elmhurst Neighbor/Comedian
Mai Nguyen
API Community Advocate
Manuel Buenrostro
Member, Sacramento Police Community Police Review Commissioner *
Marbella Sala
President, Gardenland-Northgate Neighborhood Association *
Maria Harrington
Small Business Leader, Owner
Martin Rosenberg
Lawerence Park Neighbor
President, Friends of Colonial Heights Library *
Matt King
President, Chorley Park Community Association*
Maurice Read
Community Advocate
Mary Bourgeois
Mel Assagai
Sacramento Business Leader
Michael Abbott
Curtis Park Neighborhood Advocate
Michelle Reyes
South Land Park Neighborhood Leader
Michael Lopez
Natomas Neighbor
Mike Lopez and Sheila Lopez
Valley View Acres Neighbors
Monica Contreras
East Sacramento Neighbor
Girl Scout Troop Leader *
Nancy Woo
Pocket Neighbor
Community Advocate
Nicole Winger
East Sacramento Neighbor
Nick Lapis
Hollywood Park Neighbor
Vice Chair, Sierra Club Motherlode Chapter *
Nikki Nguyen
API Community Advocate
Paige Brokaw
East Sacramento Neighbor
Sacramento Girls on the Run Coach *
Pete Geremia
Sacramento Business Leader
Peter Detwiler
East Sacramento Neighbor
Philip Lozano
Natomas Neighbor
Richard Owen
Education Advocate
Rick Pratt
Education Advocate
Rita Gallardo Good
Member, City of Sacramento Parks and Community Enrichment Commission *
Robbie Robbins
Member, City of Sacramento Parks and Community Enrichment Commission *
Robin Moore
Founder, We Force, Safe Harbor Housing *
Rory Kaufman
African American Community Leader
Roy Imura
API Community Leader
Rudy Cuellar
Community Advocate/RCAF Founder *
Sandra Montoya
Gardenland-Northgate Neighbor
Scott Rose
Business Leader
Land Park Neighborhood Advocate
Sean Wright
Alkali & Mansion Flats Neighborhood Association
Sibyl McWalters
Shaline Jane
API Community Advocate
Shawn Harrison
President/Founder, Soil Born Farms *
Member, American River Parkway Advisory Committee *
Sonney Chong
Pocket Neighbor
API Community Advocate
Founder, CAPITAL *
Sontine Kalba
East Sacramento Neighbor
Stephanie Taylor
Elmhurst Neighbor
Small Business Women/Artist
Stephen Green
American River Parkway Advocate
Steve Kamp
South Land Park Neighbor
Steven J. Ybarra, J.D.
Midtown Neighbor
Past Chair, Ca Democratic Party Latino Caucus *
Sylvia Rodriguez
Member, Sacramento First 5 Advisory Committee *
Teresa Schilling
East Sacramento Neighbor
Environmental Advocate
Terry Schanz
Past Chair, Sacramento County Democratic Party *
Terry Sidie
Midtown Business Leader
Theresa Saechao Rother
API lu Mien Community Advocate and Small Businesswoman
Tido Thac Hoang
Chair, Vietnamese American Community of Sacramento (VACOS) *
Tom Gonsalves
East Sacramento Neighbor, Small Businessman
Tom Phong
Sacramento Business Leader
Vanessa Ruiz
Northgate Neighbor
Victoria Harris
Midtown Neighbor
Vince Duffy
East Sacramento Neighbor
Youth Sports Coach
Vincene Jones
South Sacramento Community Advocate
Wayne Johnson
President, River Oaks Neighborhood Association *
* Titles for identification purposes only
Partial List